PIM Sketch 1 – Partner in Time

The affordance that we absorbed from our case study ‘Lisbon.Live’ was that of companionship. Even though the traveller documents Lisbon by himself; he doesn’t seem to be alone. In this case the phone sees what he sees, experiences what he experiences, hears what he hears, and in a way is always there to entertain, provide, and accompany him in his journey through Lisbon, like a true companion.

The closest visual that comes to my mind at the mention of the word ‘companion’ is that of two people together. The visual of holding hands and walking together denotes company. In today’s fast paced world, where finding a companion is no cakewalk, a phone backs up as a friend indeed. Even if you walk alone, you always have your phone to keep you occupied. From taking selfies (the only one shows the real you), to keeping you updated with the latest gossip, to letting you be by yourself when tuned into to your headphones, your phone is your 24/7 companion.

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