PIM Assessment 3 – Selfie

Set Criteria – Sketch using video editing mobile app

There’s no one around and I really want to capture this luscious new lip colour pout. Panic not! Behind such problems there’s a ‘selfie’ solution. One of the most outstanding features to have been brought about in the evolution of mobile videography is I would say; the front camera. Just tap the camera icon on your screen and Voila! you see yourself looking back at you. While this feature isn’t available on other video recording devices such as a digital camera or film camera; your mobile phone offers you to take pictures or record yourself without depending on others. You always require someone else to click the button or view the frame to capture yourself engaged in an action however; the mobile phone lets your front camera back up as a companion and helps you achieve the desired frame.

This sketch of my friend pouting at the camera gives us the feeling that she is being affectionate to her companion. However, only after incorporating the shot that establishes my friend holding her phone does the viewer realise that she is taking a ‘selfie’. I produced this sketch with the aid of two phone cameras. The selfie footage was captured on my friend’s phone while I captured her on my phone taking the selfie. Thereafter, I imported the footage onto my phone and aligned the clips on a timeline using ‘Splice’ video editing app. I tried to play around with the sound effects but wasn’t satisfied with the end result. It is only after this sketch that I discovered the joys of editing on a mobile app. The final product isn’t ‘wow’ but this is the beginning to many more findings.

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