Media Career Development : Progress Presentation

Inhale. Exhale. Explore.

1. CV & Networking
At the beginning of this course, there were a lot of things that I was very apprehensive about. Networking and finding a work placement in something that I’d like to pursue in the future; seemed like a humongous task. However, now that I’m half way through, I’ve ticked off a few segments.

Beginning with the Networking and CV module, I’ve updated my CV with recent projects that were undertaken and accomplished. An interview shoot with the RMIT Alumni for the online Melbourne Careers Fair 2015 and media production for Partners in Community Development Fiji are the latest additions to the Work Experience segment of my CV. I’ve also included a few of my relevant Master of Media projects that portray my skill set adequately.

I’ve also revamped my existing LinkedIn profile, wherein LinkedIn signals that my profile has reached an ‘Expert’ level. I’ve added a Summary that describes my career goals and the skill set that I possess. In addition to this, I’ve included a Volunteer role with PCDF which reflects social responsibility.

When it comes to Networking, I’ve set the ball rolling thanks to Meg who encouraged me to share my Indian wedding footage that was filmed for my Collaborative Media Project last semester,  with the production house (360 degree films) that she is currently working with. The production house required footage of Indian weddings for a show – Indian Wedding Race being produced for SBS set to go on air next year. I was thrilled to find out that the footage that was primarily shot for my project, could be possible aired on television!

Having progressed through these, I’d like to work on a few more aspects of my online professional presence. In today’s social media frenzied world, where even pets have pages dedicated to them, I find it important to have a Facebook page dedicated to my work.  A Facebook page that encompasses a wide array of my media projects, is a to – do on the list. I have worked on quite a few video projects, where I have been the camera operator. Developing a showreel, with prime shots from my portfolio will showcase my camera abilities to prospective employers.

2. Work placement
Thanks to RMIT, I am fortunate to have worked with the South Pacific community in Fiji. As a media production intern at Partners in Community Development Fiji (PCDF), I interviewed a few farmers benefitting from the PHVA agricultural program of PCDF in the rural area of Nadarivatu for the PCDF website. We’ve always pictured Fiji as a holiday getaway. However, beyond the warmth of the sun and the sand, Fiji among the other South Pacific islands is a prey to climate change which affects the livelihood of the island people. A thoroughly enriching 2 weeks, made me engage with the local culture and it’s work environment. Traveling to the remotest of villages, made me realize the luxuries and comforts we’ve been bestowed upon.

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PCDF has been guiding farmers by providing them adequate training with respect to cultivation and distribution of farm produce. They are also instrumental in facilitating a loan scheme for the farmers in the Nadarivatu area, as multiple banks had refused to grant loans to these farmers because of uncertainty of repayment.  During my tenure I felt welcome and realized the social good that we as media practitioners can do.

3. Individual Career Project
In my Learning Contract, i had stated that I aspire to produce an interactive web documentary on eco tourism. However, during my stay in Fiji, I was informed by my colleagues at PCDF that inadequate information was available about the South Pacific people on the internet. I was also the first person to interview the farmers on camera, in the Nadarivatu area. I’ve garnered a good amount of footage to create a short film on the ‘other side of the island.’ Set in the midst of the island, in the highest mountains, lies this province which houses 7 villages and 3 settlements. My project could foster aid for the farmers in Fiji.